Susana Malcorra

Susana Malcorra has been Argentina’s Minister of Foreign and Religious Affairs since 2015. She was previously Chef de Cabinet to the Secretary-General of the United Nations; Chair of the Secretary-General’s Management Committee; Head of the UN’s Department of Field Support; COO and Deputy Executive Director of the World Food Programme. Prior to this, she was CEO of Telecom Argentina and has a degree in Electronic Engineering.
Quotable Quotes
“…my vision calls for a United Nations that is: centred on people, planet and prosperity; driven by issues; and focused on delivering positive impact.”
“An issues-based approach propels us from the siloes that divide us to the issues that connect us. Today's challenges require that we find solutions in the liminal space at the nexus of the peace and security, development, and human rights pillars. Through pursuing an issues-based approach that connects us and is centred on delivering sustainable impact in support of people, planet and prosperity, we are compelled to promote economies of scale, reduce unnecessary duplication, and be more inclusive and effective in our partnerships.”
“The United Nations must be dynamic. It must provide a viable framework for positive change to address the evolving needs and concerns of its Member States and to recognize, reflect and effectively communicate the increasing interconnectedness of our shared humanity.”
“Sustaining peace more effectively requires an increased focus on conflict prevention and preventive diplomacy. If we want to enhance capabilities for prevention, we need to devise concrete strategies to not only achieve early warning, but also to promote early action.”
“In addressing large movements of people, a comprehensive approach that considers the demographic pressures, global drivers and structural conditions that underpin this trend, while also promoting greater sharing of responsibilities for meeting the needs of refugees and migrants, is required. At the same time, we must strive to inform a narrative that views the crisis as an opportunity for cultural and economic diversification.”
“Shifting to an issues-based modus operandi necessarily defines a way forward that is foremost driven by what is needed to achieve progress and maximize impact. Yielding results through this approach will inculcate the confidence and support the organizational learning needed to unify the Organization around issues, not structures.”