Natalia Gherman

Natalia Gherman has served for the past three years as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration in her native Moldova. She is a career diplomat who has served as Moldova’s Ambassador in Austria, Sweden, Norway and Finland and to several international bodies.
Quotable Quotes
“No nation alone is capable of defeating … threats of global reach. Only through strong cooperation and coordinated response would we be able to succeed. I am confident that the time is now for all of us in the South, North, East and West to live up to our collective responsibilities in global governance and deliver on what was expected at the end of the Cold War in terms of international peace and security dividends. In the toolbox at hand, prevention remains the most efficient and cost- effective tool. The Secretary-General should ensure that effective early warning mechanisms are used to assist the Security Council in the discharge of its responsibilities.”
“We must address terrorism as a global problem that requires a global response, and the UN must be ready to provide its contribution.
“The world is faced today with a humanitarian crisis unseen since the end of the Second World War. … Over 120 million women, men and children are in need of humanitarian assistance. Over 60 million people have been forced from their homes due to conflict and violence. No country or region can address the challenges of this crisis on its own.”
“First, we will need to redouble efforts to find political solutions to conflicts and address the other drivers of forced displacement. Second, the international community will need to provide protection for refugees and asylum-seekers, as well as develop protection mechanisms and durable solutions for internally displaced persons. Third, we need to increase the impact and effectiveness of the humanitarian response, while ensuring adequate and predictable financing for humanitarian action. Fourth, we need to strengthen the resilience of affected and vulnerable communities, while supporting refugee receiving countries. This is particularly important as climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of natural disasters and will likely increase the risk of hunger and malnutrition by up to 20 percent by 2050. Last but not least, we should enhance coordination between humanitarian and development communities.”