Henk Krol

Henk Krol (1950) is an MP and has been leader for the Senior Citizens’ Party since 2014. He was the founder and editor in chief (1979-2013) of the gay newspaper (De Gay Krant) and an advocate for gay rights.
Krol states that "...a focus on nature and landscape is of great importance for our future generations ... After all, we want to leave the earth in good condition for our children and grandchildren."
He calls for:
- Critical support of the EU and the Euro, but without paying for mismanagement and deficits of other countries
- Dutch passports to be issued to newcomers only after they have spent ten years in the country. Requirements: a municipal 'certificate of good conduct’, complete mastery of the Dutch language and a declaration of allegiance to the Dutch Constitution.
- A firm but fair policy on refugees. The Netherlands should contribute proportionally in case of real emergencies
- Economic migrants to be repatriated
- Improvement of border controls.