Arnold Cassola

Dr. Arnold Cassola leads Alternattiva Democratica, Malta’s Green Party affiliated to the European Green Party and Global Greens. The party has never won parliamentary representation with its best result being 1.8% of the national vote in 2013.
Dr. Cassola espouses centre-left green politics. He is a pro-EU politician campaigning for social equality, sustainable development, and the protection of the environment and animal welfare.
“The foreign policy of Malta is the EU foreign policy, the same foreign policy as Germany, Italy or France, so this is nothing new for me because it is part of my ideals, that’s why I like a lot the European thinking in politics and this I think is also going to be one of the ways forward for the future.”
He also believes that in a world characterised by globalisation, democracy can only be safeguarded through more integration and the strengthening of the EU’s democratic and representative structures.