The Global Vote for Italy has delivered a resounding victory for the anti-Mafia magistrate Pietro Grasso.
Grasso took nearly half the overall vote, almost double the total of the runner-up, Matteo Renzi; and in third place, Luigi di Maio took half as many votes as Renzi: there has seldom been such a clear gap between the front-runners in any previous Global Vote. Forza Italia, the party of Silvio Berlusconi, received barely 1% of the international vote: a result which looks likely to be almost the opposite of the domestic vote in the official Italian election.
Having said this, Italian citizens voting on the Global Vote expressed exactly the same preferences as other global voters, suggesting that interest in the platform has more to do with a particular world-view than with nationality or country of residence.
The results of the official election were unclear at the time of publication, but the suggestion is that Italy is heading for another complex coalition. It seems unlikely that this will produce a government that is noticeably more focused on the world outside its borders.